Inappropriate calculation of JBA TIBOR Official Rates, etc

January 11,2023

General Incorporated Association JBA TIBOR Administration

Based on "Policy on Treatment of Revisions to JBA TIBOR Official Rates, etc.", we announce the situation of inappropriate calculation of JBA TIBOR Official Rates, etc from October 1 to December 31, 2022.

During this period, the situation of inappropriate calculation of Japanese Yen TIBOR and Euroyen TIBOR is as follows.

Note that there were no revisions to Official Rates.

Date Principal

Impact on the level of Official rates

Revision of Official Rates
1 10/27 Reference Bank



※ Although there was inappropriate calculation of the reference rate of a Reference bank due to error in the calculation, there was no impact on the level of Official Rates because that reference rate was excluded[1]in the calculation of Official Rates regardless of the occurrence of inappropriate calculation.

[1]JBATA excludes the two highest and the two lowest reference rates for each maturity and averages the remaining reference rates for calculating Official Rates.
