Inappropriate calculation of JBA TIBOR Official Rates, etc

April 3,2024

General Incorporated Association JBA TIBOR Administration

Based on "Policy on Treatment of Revisions to JBA TIBOR Official Rates, etc.", we announce the situation of inappropriate calculation of JBA TIBOR Official Rates, etc from January 1 to March 31, 2024.

During this period, the situation of inappropriate calculation of Japanese Yen TIBOR and Euroyen TIBOR is as follows.

Note that there were no revisions to Official Rates.

Date Principal Absolute impact on Official rates Revision of
Official Rates
1 3/12 Reference Bank  Japanese Yen TIBOR:0.01000
 Euroyen TIBOR:0.01100

※Based on the following rules in "Policy on Treatment of Revisions to JBA TIBOR Official Rates, etc.", JBA TIBOR Official Rates of the day were not revised.

4. Treatment of revisions to official rates, etc. (1) Principal treatment
① Treatment of official rates, etc.
JBATA shall not revise any official rates after publication.
② Treatment of reference rates
JBATA shall not revise any reference rates after publication of official rates.
(2) Exceptional treatment
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, when there is a significant impact on the level of official rates (The threshold is set at 3bp (0.03%). The level of this threshold is reviewed as appropriate, and if any change will be made, the change will be notified beforehand over a certain period.) as a result of inappropriate calculation identified by 1:30 p.m. of the day, official rates, etc. may be revised based on the determination of the Board of Directors, after discussions of whether to revise official rates, etc. at the JBA TIBOR Administration Committee.
If JBATA revised official rates, etc., JBATA shall announce this on its website by no later than 2:00 pm of the day and distribute revised rates to the information providers through the service providers. In such a case, the revision is deemed to be made to official rates, etc. as of 11:00 a.m. of the day.
